I 'm trying to decode a lzjb compressed blocks and I have some hard times 
regarding big/little endian. I'm on x86 working with build 77.

#zdb -uuuu ztest
rootbp = [L0 DMU objset] 400L/200P DVA[0]=<0:e0c98e00:200>

## zdb -R ztest:c0d1s4:e0c98e00:200:                
Found vdev: /dev/dsk/c0d1s4

          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   8 9 a b c d e f  0123456789abcdef
000000:  00000003020e0a00  dd0304050020b601  .......... .....
000010:  c505048404040504  35b558231002047c  ........|...#X.5

Looking at this blocks with dd:
dd if=/dev/dsk/c0d1s4 iseek=7374023 bs=512 count=1 | od -x
0000000: 0a00 020e 0003 0000 b601 0020 0405 dd03

od -x is responsible for swapping every two bytes. I have on disk
0000000: 000a 0e02 0300 0000 01b6 0200 0504 03dd

Comparing with the zdb output is every 8 bytes reversed.

Now I don't know how to pass this to my lzjb decoding programm?

Should I read the 512 bytes and pass them:
               - from the end
               - from the start and reverse every 8 bytes
               - or something else

thanks for any advice

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