On May 18, 2008, at 14:01, Mario Goebbels wrote:

> I mean, if the Linux folks to want it, fine. But if Sun's actually
> helping with such a possible effort, then it's just shooting itself in
> the foot here, in my opinion.

As it is, patents and licenses prevent Linux from picking up ZFS, but  
if they were to re-license ZFS under GPL3 or grant a linux project a  
patent license, it could be possible.

I've been impressed by the development process ethic under  
OpenSolaris since joining the ZFS list.  There appears to be a real  
commitment to solving root-cause problems, which linux can sometimes  
ignore.  Timeliness could always be better, but such is life.  So,  
[Open]*Solaris has a good argument for it; e.g. real support contracts.

I've approached some of my linux-based clients about ZFS and they're  
reluctant to add another OS to their mix.  I'm happy (and frankly  
prefer) hopping around OS's, but not everybody is.  ZFS on Linux on  
Thumper would actually be very interesting to many of them.  I think  
that's good for Sun.  Of course, ZFS on Linux on commodity hardware  
is also interesting to some, but that can be done on FreeBSD today.

Either way, if ZFS doesn't find its way to Linux, somebody is going  
to re-implement something like it, and then Sun will have to sue  
Linux developers, which really sucks for everybody involved (and  
they're quick to do it - they threatened to sue me when they couldn't  
figure out how to take back a try-out server).  Having ZFS as a de- 
facto standard lifts all boats, IMHO.

Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
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