On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 3:53 AM, Enda O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Litchfield at Sun wrote:
>> I think you'll find that any attempt to make zones (certainly whole root
>> ones) will fail after this.
> right, zoneadm install actually copies in the global zones undo.z into the
> local zone, so that patchrm of an existing patch will work.
> haven't tried out what happens when the undo is missing,

My guess it works just fine - based upon the fact that "patchadd -d"
does not create the undo.z file.  Admittedly, it is sloppy to just get
rid of the undo.z file - the existence of the other related
directories is (save/<patchid>) may trip something up.

Mike Gerdts
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