> Hi All,
> I'm new to ZFS but I'm intrigued by the possibilities
> it presents.
> I'm told one of the greatest benefits is that,
> instead of setting 
> quotas, each user can have their own 'filesystem'
> under a single pool.
> This is obviously great if you've got 10 users but
> what if you have 
> 10,000?  Are the overheads too great and do they
> outweigh the potential 
> benefits?
> I've got a test system running with 5,000 dummy users
> which seems to 
> perform fine, even if my 'df' output is a little
> sluggish :-) .
> Any advice or experiences would be greatly
> appreciated.

I think sharemgr was created to speed up the case of sharing out very
high numbers of filesystems on NFS servers, which otherwise took
quite a long time.

That's not to say that there might not be other problems with scaling to
thousands of filesystems.  But you're certainly not the first one to test it.

For cases where a single filesystem must contain files owned by
multiple users (/var/mail being one example), old fashioned
UFS quotas still solve the problem where the alternative approach
with ZFS doesn't.
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