"Richard L. Hamilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Zfs has send and receive commands, which more or less correspond to
> ufsdump and ufsrestore for ufs, except that the names send and receive
> are perhaps more appropriate, since the zfs(1m) man page says:
> >  The format of the stream is evolving. No backwards compatibility is
> > guaranteed. You may not be able to receive your streams on future
> > versions of ZFS."
> which means to me that it's not a really good choice for archiving or 
> long-term
> backups, but it should be ok for transferring zfs filesystems between systems
> that are the same OS version (or at any rate, close enough that the format
> of the zfs send/receive datastream is compatible).

Another reason why it does not make a good long term backup is that it does not 
allow to access single files.

> There are of course also generic archiving utilities that can be used for
> backup/restore, like tar (or star), pax, cpio, and so on.  But as far as I 
> know,
> there's no bare metal backup/restore facility that comes with Solaris, 
> although
> there are some commercial (and probably quite expensive) products that
> do that.  But there's probably nothing at all that's quite equivalent to 
> Norton
> Ghost.

Could you explain what you understand by a "bare metal" backup/restore facility?


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