> Hi list,
> for windows we use ghost to backup system and
> recovery.
> can we do similar thing for solaris by ZFS?
> I want to create a image and install to another
> machine,
> So that the personal configuration will not be lost.

Since I don't do Windows, I'm not familiar with ghost, but I gather from
Wikipedia that it's more a disk cloning tool (bare metal backup/restore)
than a conventional backup program, although some people may well use it
for backups too.

Zfs has send and receive commands, which more or less correspond to
ufsdump and ufsrestore for ufs, except that the names send and receive
are perhaps more appropriate, since the zfs(1m) man page says:
>  The format of the stream is evolving. No backwards compatibility is
> guaranteed. You may not be able to receive your streams on future
> versions of ZFS."
which means to me that it's not a really good choice for archiving or long-term
backups, but it should be ok for transferring zfs filesystems between systems
that are the same OS version (or at any rate, close enough that the format
of the zfs send/receive datastream is compatible).

There are of course also generic archiving utilities that can be used for
backup/restore, like tar (or star), pax, cpio, and so on.  But as far as I know,
there's no bare metal backup/restore facility that comes with Solaris, although
there are some commercial (and probably quite expensive) products that
do that.  But there's probably nothing at all that's quite equivalent to Norton

One can of course use "dd" to copy entire raw disk partitions, but that
won't set up the partitions, nor will it work as expected unless all disk sizes
are identical (for filesystems that don't have the OS on them), or if the OS
is on there, all hardware is identical.

Depending on just what "personal configuration" you mean, you may not
necessarily need to back up the whole system anyway.  Which is another way
of saying that I'm not sure your post was specific enough about what you're 
to make it possible to suggest the best available (and preferably free) 
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