On Sat, 7 Jun 2008, Mattias Pantzare wrote:
> If I need to count useage I can use du. But if you can implement space
> usage info on a per-uid basis you are not far from quota per uid...

That sounds like quite a challenge.  UIDs are just numbers and new 
ones can appear at any time.  Files with existing UIDs can have their 
UIDs switched from one to another at any time.  The space used per UID 
needs to be tallied continuously and needs to track every change, 
including real-time file growth and truncation.  We are ultimately 
talking about 128 bit counters here.  Instead of having one counter 
per filesystem we now have potentially hundreds of thousands, which 
represents substantial memory.

Multicore systems have the additional challenge that this complex 
information needs to be effectively shared between cores.  Imagine if 
you have 512 CPU cores, all of which are running some of the ZFS code 
and have their own caches which become invalidated whenever one of 
those counters is updated.  This sounds like a no-go for an almost 
infinite-sized pooled "last word" filesystem like ZFS.

ZFS is already quite lazy at evaluating space consumption.  With ZFS, 
'du' does not always reflect true usage since updates are delayed.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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