On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 20:04:47 +0100
"Peter Tribble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hogwash. What is the reasonable minimum? I'm suspecting it's well
> over 2G.

2Gb is perfectly alright.

> And as for being unable to get machines with less than 2G, just look
> at Sun's price list
I'm not saying you can't buy machines w/ 512mb-1gb. I'm saying that the
majority of computers offered in stores comes w/ a minimum of 2Gb. At
least in the Netherlands.

> So you're saying that if people want to even try OpenSolaris then
> they need to throw away their perfectly functional hardware and buy
> something new?

512mb is the bare minimum for OpenSolaris. Take it or leave it. That
doesn't mean people have to throw their machines away. They could try
to add ram. I -do- say that 512mb ram is stone age.

> 1G is more than enough to run a modern desktop (although heavier use
> and more apps will drive the requirement up beyond that).

1Gb is minimum for a modern desktop and a few apps like the Gimp /
OpenOffice. That leaves hardly some room for modern filesystems, nor
does it leave room for virtualization.

> (And it's not just a case of looking at the memory in the hardware -
> as virtualization becomes more and more widely used that memory
> allocation gets split up into smaller chunks that get allocated to
> virtual systems.)

That's why a modern machine needs at least 2GB ram. That way you can
have a modern desktop; a modern FS like ZFS and one xVM.

Below that all you have is a modern desktop. No room to play with the
modern goodies like xVM / ZFS
Given the fact that 2GB sales for about 30 euro, that's cheap.

Dick Hoogendijk -- PGP/GnuPG key: 01D2433D
++ http://nagual.nl/ + SunOS sxce snv90 ++
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