Brian Hechinger wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 07:58:42AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Yes.  two caveats though. ZFS is a COW filesystem, currently with no
>> defrag. Placing heavy write (vmware is) on this type of storage
>> (especially, but not only if you are planning on using snapshots) you will
>> tend to see diminishing performance over time.  Do not allow the ZFS
>> partition to become over 80% full -- performance hits a wall hard with the
>> kind of write profile you are going to expect with vmware as zfs looks for
>> free blocks.
>> test test test.
> Also, it it *highly* recommended that you get a fast slog device like the
> Gigabyte iRAM or at least some very fast SSDs.  If you are going to be
> using VirtualCenter you might want to consider testing iSCSI volumes against
> NFS to see if that works better for your planned workload.

You will want mirrored slogs.

Note that there are some companies, Crucial and STEC come to mind,
sell SSDs which fit in disk form factors.  IIRC, Mac Book Air and EMC
use STEC's  SSDs.
 -- richard

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