> > Can anybody confirm that random read performance is definitely
> > better with mirrored volumes.  Does ZFS use all the disks in the
> > mirror sets independently when reading data?  Am I right in thinking
> > I could have around 7x better random read performance with the 15
> > mirrored drives, when compared to the two raid-z2 volumes?
> Yes.  two caveats though. ZFS is a COW filesystem, currently with no
> defrag. Placing heavy write (vmware is) on this type of storage
> (especially, but not only if you are planning on using snapshots) you will
> tend to see diminishing performance over time.  Do not allow the ZFS
> partition to become over 80% full -- performance hits a wall hard with the
> kind of write profile you are going to expect with vmware as zfs looks for
> free blocks.

It there a move anytime soon to implement a defragmenter?

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