On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:19 AM, jan damborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Mike Gerdts wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Jan Damborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you very much all for this valuable input.
>>> Based on the collected information, I would take
>>> following approach as far as calculating size of
>>> swap and dump devices on ZFS volumes in Caiman
>>> installer is concerned.
>>> [1] Following formula would be used for calculating
>>>   swap and dump sizes:
>>> size_of_swap = size_of_dump = MAX(512 MiB, MIN(physical_memory/2, 32
>>> GiB))
>> dump should scale with memory size, but the size given is completely
>> overkill.  On very active (heavy kernel activity) servers with 300+ GB
>> of RAM, I have never seen a (compressed) dump that needed more than 8
>> GB.  Even uncompressed the maximum size I've seen has been in the 18
>> GB range.  This has been without zfs in the mix.  It is my
>> understanding that at one time the arc was dumped as part of kernel
>> memory but that was regarded as a bug and has sense been fixed.  If
>> the arc is dumped, a value of dump much closer to physical memory is
>> likely to be appropriate.
> I would agree that given the fact, user can customize this any time
> after installation, the smaller upper bound is the better. Would
> it be fine then to use 16 GiB, or even smaller one would be more
> appropriate ?

By default, only kernel memory is dumped to the dump device.  Further,
this is compressed.  I have heard that 3x compression is common and
the samples that I have range from 3.51x - 6.97x.

If you refer to InfoDoc 228921 (contract only - can that be opened or
can a Sun employee get permission to post same info to an open wiki?)
you will see a method for approximating the size of a crash dump.  On
my snv_91 virtualbox instance (712 MB RAM configured), that method
gave me an estimated (uncompressed) crash dump size of about 450 MB.
I induced a panic to test the approximation.  In reality it was 323 MB
and compress(1) takes it down to 106 MB.  My understanding is that the
algorithm used in the kernel is a bit less aggressive than the
algorithm used by compress(1) so maybe figure 120 - 150 MB in this
case.  My guess is that this did not compress as well as my other
samples because on this smaller system a higher percentage of my
kernel pages were not full of zeros.

Perhaps the right size for the dump device is more like:

MAX(256 MiB, MIN(physical_memory/4, 16 GiB)

Further, dumpadm(1M) could be enhanced to resize the dump volume on
demand.  The size that it would choose would likely be based upon what
is being dumped (kernel, kernel+user, etc.), memory size, current
estimate using InfoDoc 228921 logic, etc.

>> As an aside, does the dedicated dump on all machines make it so that
>> savecore no longer runs by default?  It just creates a lot of extra
>> I/O during boot (thereby slowing down boot after a crash) and uses a
>> lot of extra disk space for those that will never look at a crash
>> dump.  Those that actually use it (not the majority target audience
>> for OpenSolaris, I would guess) will be able to figure out how to
>> enable (the yet non-existent) svc:/system/savecore:default.
> Looking at the savecore(1M) man pages, it seems that it is managed
> by svc:/system/dumpadm:default. Looking at the installed system,
> this service is online. If I understand correctly, you are recommending
> to disable it by default ?

"dumpadm -n" is really the right way to do this.

Mike Gerdts
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