I think it's a cracking upgrade Richard.  I was hoping Sun would do something 
like this, so it's great to see it arrive.

As others have said though, I think Sun are missing a trick by not working with 
Vmetro or Fusion-io to add nvram cards to the range now.  In particular, if Sun 
were to work with Fusion-io and add Solaris drivers for the ioDrive, you'd be 
in a position right now to offer a 48TB server with 64GB of read cache, and 
80GB of write cache

You could even offer the same card on the smaller x4240.  Can you imagine how 
well those machines would work as NFS servers?  Either one would make a superb 
NFS storage platform for VMware:  You've got incredible performance, ZFS 
snapshots for backups, and ZFS send/receive to replicate the data elsewhere.  
NetApp and EMC charge a small fortune for a NAS that can do all that, and they 
don't offer anywhere near that amount of fast cache.  Both servers would take 
Infiniband too, which is dirt cheap these days at $125 a card, is supported by 
VMware, and particularly on the smaller server, is way faster than anything EMC 
or NetApp offer.

As a NFS storage platform, you'd be beating EMC and NetApp on price, spindle 
count, features and performance.  I really hope somebody at Sun considers this, 
and thinks about expanding the "What can you do with an x4540" section on the 
website to include VMware. 

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