Alan Burlison wrote:
> Lori Alt wrote:
>> It's hard to know what the "right" thing to do is from within
>> the installation software.  Does the user want to preserve
>> as much of their current environment as possible?  Or does
>> the user want to move toward the new "standard" configuration
>> (which is pretty much zfs-everything)?  Or something in between?
> It's all a bit academic now anyway, as LU has for some reason decided to 
> stop installing entries in menu.lst, no matter what I do.  No error 
> messages, no warnings, just doesn't work.  Bizzare - this did work at 
> one point.  I've tried blitzing and reinstalling LU entirely - still no joy.
6722767 lucreate did not add new BE to menu.lst ( or grub )
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