Hi Folks,

I'm in the very unsettling position of fearing that I've lost all of my data 
via a zfs send/receive operation, despite ZFS's legendary integrity.

The error that I'm getting on restore is:
receiving full stream of faith/[EMAIL PROTECTED] into Z/faith/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cannot receive: invalid stream (checksum mismatch)

I was running snv_91, and decided to upgrade to snv_95 converting to the much 
awaited zfs-root in the process.

On snv_91, I was using zfs for /opt, /export/home, and a couple of other file 
systems under /export
I expected that converting to zfs root would require completely formatting my 
disk, so I needed to backup all of my critical data to a remote host beforehand.

My main file server is running snv_71, using an 8 disks raid-Z, with plenty of 
space available via nfs, so I directed a zfs send across nfs to it. So it was 
zfs -> nfs -> zfs (raid-z)

I don't remember the exact commands used, but I started off with a zfs snapshot 
-r, and then did a zfs send [EMAIL PROTECTED] > /my/nfs/server/backup.zfs
This sent each of the filesystems across and redirected them into the one, 
single "backup" file.
I wasn't all that confident that this was a wise move, as I didn't know how I 
was going to get just one fs (rather than all) extracted again at a later time 
using zfs receive (I'm open to answers on that one still!).
So, I decided to *also send just the snapshot of my home directory, which 
contains all of my vital information. A bit of extra piece of mind eh, 2 
backups are better than one....

I then installed snv_95 from dvd, using zfs-root, destroying my previous zpool 
on the disk in the process.

Here I am now, trying to restore my vital data that I backed up onto the nfs 
server, but it's not working!

# cat justhome.zfs | zfs receive -v Z/faith/home
receiving full stream of faith/[EMAIL PROTECTED] into Z/faith/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cannot receive: invalid stream (checksum mismatch)

I just don't understand what's going on here.
I started off restoring across nfs to my desktop with the standard options. 
I've tried disabling checksumming on the parent zfs fs, to ensure that when it 
was restoring it wouldn't be using checksumming. I still got the checksum 
mismatch error.

Next I tried restoring the zfs backup internally within the nfs server, making 
it all local disk traffic, on the off chance that it was the network on my new 
build that was somehow broken. No dice, same error, with or without 
checksumming on the parent fs.

I've also tried my other backup file, but that's also having the same problem.
In all I've tried about 8 combinations, and I'm breaking out in a sweat with 
the possibility of having lost all of my data.

The zfs backup that included all file systems bombs out fairly early, on a 
small fs that was only a few GB. 
The zfs backup that included just my home fs, gets around 20Gb of the way 
through, before failing with the same error (and deleting the partial zfs fs).
I don't recall how big the original home fs was, perhaps 30-40GB, so it's a 
fair way through.

What's causing this error, and if this situation is as dire as I'm fearing 
(please tell me it's not so!), why can't I at least have the 20GB of data that 
it can restore before it bombs out with that checksum error.

Thanks for any help with this!
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