Hi folks,

I just wanted to share the end of my "adventure" here and especially take the 
time to thank Victor for helping me out of this mess.

I will let him explain the technical details (I am out of my depth here) but 
bottom line he spent a couple of hours with me on the machine and sorted me 
out. His explanation: he invalidated the incorrect uberblocks and forced zfs to 
revert to an earlier state that was consistent.

The machine is now in the process of doing a full scrub and the first order of 
business tomorrow will be to do a full backup :-)

According to his explanation, the reason for the troubles I had was that 
Solaris was running in a VM on my Debian server and it was not shut down 
properly when the Debian server did a controlled shutdown following a UPS event.

The Solaris machine was abruptly shut down but because it was not in control of 
the entire chain till bare hardware, it appears that some writes were in fact 
still with Debian when Solaris thought them safely executed.

This left the zpool in question in a state that even raidz1 did not help with.

Anyway, again, lots and lots of thanks to Victor!!!

kind regards
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