Bob Friesenhahn schrieb:
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Håvard Krüger wrote:
>> Is it possible to build a RaidZ with 3x 1TB disks and 5x 0.5TB disks,
>> and then swap out the 0.5 TB disks as time goes by? Is there a
>> documentation/wiki on doing this?
> Yes, you can build a raidz vdev with all of these drives but only 0.5TB
> will be used from your 1TB drives.  Once you replace *all* of the 0.5TB
> drives with 1TB drives, then the full space of the 1TB drives will be used.
> Depending on how likely it is that you will replace all of these old
> drives, you might consider using the new drives to add a second vdev to
> the pool so that the disk space on all the existing drives may be fully
> used and you obtain better mutiuser performance.
> Bob

But in this case one should be aware that if one adds another vdev, it
is currently impossible to get rid of it afterwards. I.e. the pool will
always have to RaidZ vdefs, and the new vdev which would consist in this
scenario of 3 1T disks couldn't be grown by adding another disk. So one
would be forced to add another raid-z vdev.

IMO, I'd go for replacing the 0.5TB disks one by one and stick to a
single vdev.

- Thomas
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