On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:10:42AM -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> Hmmm, this may indicate that there is an ethernet cable problem.  Use 
> 'netstat -I interface' (where interface is the interface name shown by 
> 'ifconfig -a') to see if the interface error count is increasing.  If you 
> are using a "smart" switch, use the switch admistrative interface and see 
> if the error count is increasing for the attached switch port. 
> Unfortunately your host can only see errors for packets it receives and it 
> may be that errors are occuring for packets it sends.
> If the ethernet cable is easy to replace, then it may be easiest to simply 
> replace it and use a different switch port to see if the problem just goes 
> away.

Ok, I've just tried 2 other cables, one doesn't even get a link light so
it's probably dead. The other one I had suspected was bad and indeed the
connection is terrible and the Oerr field in netstat does increase.

On the other hand, the Oerr field doesn't increase with the original cable,
however the video performance is still bad (although not as bad as with the
2nd replacement cable).

I will make up some new cables, and also place an order for an Intell
Pro100, as they are supposed to be really reliable.



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