I cannot recreate this on b101. There is no significant difference between
the two on my system.
 -- richard

William Bauer wrote:
> For clarity, here's how you can reproduce what I'm asking about:
> This is for local file systems on build 86 and not about NFS or
> any remote mounts.  You can repeat these 100 times and always get
> the same result, whether you reboot between trials or leave the
> system running.
> 1.  Log into the console of your OpenSolaris system.
> 2.  Open a terminal in your home directory.
> 3.  Create a file as in the command below and note the write
> speed it returns.  I know this method is not a true test of write
> performance, but I'm interested in relative and not absolute numbers.
> This method seems quite consistent in the results it returns.
>     dd if=/dev/zero of=outfile bs=1024 count=1000000
> 4.  Enter a subdirectory of your home and do the same as above.
> 5.  Log out of the console and perform the same tests via a remote
> login using SSH or your favorite method.  See that now there is no
> difference in performance.
> I've found the difference between steps 3 and 4 to be typically 25%.
> This happens even with the most vanilla new install.  On VirtualBox,
> the differences can be more like 5x (i.e. 500%!).
> Note that if you do step 5 when still logged into the console,
> you get the same results as in step 3-4.
> That's it.  Maybe not hugely important, but I'm trying to understand
> why this happens.
> --
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