On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Tomas Ögren wrote:

The raidz option will give you more storage at less performance.. The
mirror thing has the possibility of achieving higher reliability.. 1 to
3 disks can fail without interruptions, depending on how Murphy picks
them.. The raidz1 one can handle 1 disk only..

Mirrors also offer ease of administration. Half the drives can be administratively removed and the pool will still work. The sizes of drives in individual pairs can be updated one by one in order to offer more space rather than requiring all of the drives in a raidz to be replaced before the space is seen. Resilvering will be faster when using mirrors since only one disk has to be read to reconstruct the data. If you feel uneasy about reliability, then you can easily use tripple mirroring. However raidz2 offers more reliability than dual-mirrors and raidz1.

Bob Friesenhahn
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