
That's exactly what I was getting at.  This list probably isn't the  
place to discuss but this is the first real instance aside of maybe  
xVM Ops Center where it was pretty much put out in the open that you  
can expect to pay to get the goods.

Fishworks seems to have much more than just a nice wrapper put around  
Solaris, ZFS, NFS, FMA, AVS etc.  A lot of my ability to evangelize  
the benefits of Solaris in the storage world to my customers hinges on  
me being able to say "Try it... you'll like it...".  I know Try-and- 
buy exists but in the grand scheme of things, adoption of Solaris  
hinges on easy accessibility.

I apologize for the tangent and the VM instance is a good start but  
the stance on opensourcing right or wrong seems like it has changed.

On Nov 11, 2008, at 8:30 PM, Boyd Adamson wrote:

> Bryan Cantrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 02:21:11PM -0500, Ed Saipetch wrote:
>>> Can someone clarify Sun's approach to opensourcing projects and
>>> software?  I was under the impression the strategy was to charge for
>>> hardware, maintenance and PS.  If not, some clarification would be  
>>> nice.
>> There is no single answer -- we use open source as a business  
>> strategy,
>> not as a checkbox or edict.  For this product, open source is an  
>> option
>> going down the road, but not a priority.  Will our software be open
>> sourced in the fullness of time?  My Magic 8-Ball tells me "signs
>> point to yes" (or is that "ask again later"?) -- but it's certainly
>> not something that we have concrete plans for at the moment...
> I think that's fair enough. What Sun choose to do is, of course, up to
> Sun.
> One can, however, understand that people might have expected otherwise
> given statements like this:
>> "With our announced intent to open source the entirety of our  
>> software
>> offerings, every single developer across the world now has access to
>> the most sophisticated platform available for web 1.0, 2.0 and  
>> beyond"
> - Jonathan Schwartz
> -- 
> Boyd

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