On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:22 AM, mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No clue. My friend also upgraded to b101. Said it was working awesome
> - improved network performance, etc. Then he said after a few days,
> he's decided to downgrade too - too many other weird side effects.

Any more details available on "too many other weird side effects"?

I've loaded b101 on a box here and it's been idling for about a week
or so.  But I have yet to load it up with data.

> This has a comparison (at the time) as to what the differences are
> with the different Solaris versions:
> http://blogs.sun.com/weber/entry/solaris_opensolaris_nevada_indiana_sxde

That's too old to be useful.

The bottom line is that SXCE is good for those who want access to the
latest/greatest features and bugfixes - but each version will come
with some "warts".  If you know OpenSolaris well enough, you'll
recognize those warts and either live with them or work around them.
Or you'll discover that the reported issues don't affect what you are
running (in terms of workload) on the box.

OTOH - if you don't know OpenSolaris well enough, you're better off
either picking an earlier release that has proven to have very few
relevant warts - usually based on a recommendation for other, more
experieced, users.  Or you could go with the commercial, rock solid
release called Solaris U6 (Update 6) recently released.

In any case, load the release you choose, play with it for a week or
so, while running the type of apps you intend to run and see if it
works for you.  After that, consider it "production" and load up all
your precious data.

 Also - to add yet another dimension to the decision making process -
os2008.11 is due out any day now.  I think that this release will be a
winner.  You can download and eval the Release Candidate from
http://www.genunix.org/ (based on 101a).  The "production" release
can't be far away.....   To a large extent, os2008.nn will be a better
long-term choice, since it incorporates the new package update
facility.  So you'll be able to upgrade any "problem" binaries very
easily and with very little of something going very wrong.

Choice is Good!  :)


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc,Plano,TX [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                   Voice: 972.379.2133 Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) Member - Apr 2005 to Mar 2007
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