On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 12:18 AM, Al Hopper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This has a comparison (at the time) as to what the differences are
> > with the different Solaris versions:
> > http://blogs.sun.com/weber/entry/solaris_opensolaris_nevada_indiana_sxde
> That's too old to be useful.

I agree with you on this

> OTOH - if you don't know OpenSolaris well enough, you're better off
> either picking an earlier release that has proven to have very few
> relevant warts - usually based on a recommendation for other, more
> experieced, users.  Or you could go with the commercial, rock solid
> release called Solaris U6 (Update 6) recently released.

Where can I find advice on these earlier versions "with few relevant warts".
When I look at forums, I see good and bad for each release. Also, S10U6 does
not have features that I need (Zones ZFS cloning). Also, as I have no
support contract with sun (home user), I am not sure if I will get patches
or not.

> In any case, load the release you choose, play with it for a week or
> so, while running the type of apps you intend to run and see if it
> works for you.  After that, consider it "production" and load up all
> your precious data.

I'll try to do that

>  Also - to add yet another dimension to the decision making process -
> os2008.11 is due out any day now.  I think that this release will be a
> winner.  You can download and eval the Release Candidate from
> http://www.genunix.org/ (based on 101a).  The "production" release
> can't be far away.....   To a large extent, os2008.nn will be a better
> long-term choice, since it incorporates the new package update
> facility.  So you'll be able to upgrade any "problem" binaries very
> easily and with very little of something going very wrong.

I'd love to go with os2008.nn, but the zones features are too different.
I need sparse zones (and branded zones for linux perhaps). Also, I don't
have a fast internet connection, so fetching everything from the web every
time I create a zone is a bit of a problem.

Anyway, thanks for your help,

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