On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Jeff Bonwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> These are the conditions:
> (1) The bug is specific to the root pool.  Other pools are unaffected.
> (2) It is triggered by doing a 'zpool online' while I/O is in flight.
> (3) Item (2) can be triggered by syseventd.
> (4) The bug is new in build 102.  Builds 101 and earlier are fine.
> I believe the following should be a viable workaround until build 103:
> (1) svcadm disable -t sysevent
> (2) Don't run zpool online on your root pool
> Jeff

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for the details.  A few more questions:  Does booting into build
102 do I zpool online on the root pool? And the above disable -t is
"temporary" till the next reboot - any specific reason for doing it that
way?  And last question:  What do I loose when I disable "sysevent"?

Thank you,

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   Arthur C. Clarke

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