>I'm not sure if this is the right place for the question or not, but I'll
>throw it out there anyways.  Does anyone know, if you create your pool(s)
>with a system running fishworks, can that pool later be imported by a
>standard solaris system?  IE: If for some reason the head running fishworks
>were to go away, could I attach the JBOD/disks to a system running
>snv/mainline solaris/whatever, and import the pool to get at the data?  Or
>is the zfs underneath fishworks proprietary as well?

The idea of making a "Application Toolkit" is

        - using standard (Open)Solaris
        - add the toolkit

For us, this is to get away from the multiple OS you would either
support.  Think, e.g., of the enormous number of CISCO IOS version.

So, in theory, it would be the same...

(But I don't work there, and they may have branched out; but I doubt it;
a spare branch is expensive)


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