On Mon, 24 Nov 2008, BJ Quinn wrote:

> Here's an idea - I understand that I need rsync on both sides if I 
> want to minimize network traffic.  What if I don't care about that - 
> the entire file can come over the network, but I specifically only 
> want rsync to write the changed blocks to disk.  Does rsync offer a 
> mode like that? -- This message posted from opensolaris.org

My understanding is that the way rsync works, if a file already 
exists, then checksums are computed for ranges of the file, and the 
data is only sent/updated if that range is determined to have changed. 
While you can likely configure rsync to send the whole file, I think 
that it does what you want by default.

This is very easy for you to test for yourself.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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