> The shortcomings of timeouts have been discussed on this list before. How do
> you tell the difference between a drive that is dead and a path that is just
> highly loaded?

A path that is dead is either returning bad data, or isn't returning
anything.  A highly loaded path is by definition reading & writing
lots of data.  I think you're assuming that these are file level
timeouts, when this would actually need to be much lower level.

> Sounds good - devil, meet details, etc.

Yup, I imagine there are going to be a few details to iron out, many
of which will need looking at by somebody a lot more technical than

Despite that I still think this is a discussion worth having.  So far
I don't think I've seen any situation where this would make things
worse than they are now, and I can think of plenty of cases where it
would be a huge improvement.

Of course, it also probably means a huge amount of work to implement.
I'm just hoping that it's not prohibitively difficult, and that the
ZFS team see the benefits as being worth it.
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