Hi Dick,

I am redirecting your question to zfs-discuss
mailing list, where people are more knowledgeable
about this problem and your question could be
better answered.

Best regards,

dick hoogendijk wrote:
> I have s10u6 installed on my server.
> zfs list (partly):
> NAME                                    USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> rpool                                  88.8G   140G  27.5K  /rpool
> rpool/ROOT                             20.0G   140G    18K  /rpool/ROOT
> rpool/ROOT/s10BE2                      20.0G   140G  7.78G  /
> But just now, on a newly installed s10u6 system I got rpool/ROOT with a
> mountpoint "legacy"
> The drives were different. On the latter (legacy) system it was not
> formatted (yet) (in VirtualBox). On my server I switched from UFS to
> ZFS, so I first created a rpool and than did a luupgrade into it.
> This could explain the mountpoint /rpool/ROOT but WHY the difference?
> Why can't s10u6 install the same mountpoint on the new disk?
> The server runs very well; is this "legacy" thing really needed?

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