>>>>> "r" == Ross  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

     r> style before I got half way through your post :) [...status
     r> problems...] could be a case of oversimplifying things.

yeah I was a bit inappropriate, but my frustration comes from the
(partly paranoid) imagining of how the idea ``we need to make it
simple'' might have spooled out through a series of design meetings to
a culturally-insidious mind-blowing condescention toward the sysadmin.

``simple'', to me, means that a 'status' tool does not read things off
disks, and does not gather a bunch of scraps to fabricate a pretty
(``simple''?) fantasy-world at invocation which is torn down again
when it exits.  The Linux status tools are pretty-printing wrappers
around 'cat /proc/$THING/status'.  That, is SIMPLE!  And, screaming
monkeys though they often are, the college kids writing Linux are
generally disciplined enough not to grab a bunch of locks and then go
to sleep for minutes when delivering things from /proc.  I love that.
The other, broken, idea of ``simple'' is what I come to Unix to avoid.

And yes, this is a religious argument.  Just because it spans decades
of experience and includes ideas of style doesn't mean it should be
dismissed as hocus-pocus.  And I don't like all these binary config
files either.  Not even Mac OS X is pulling that baloney any more.

     r> There's no denying the ease of admin is one of ZFS' strengths,

I deny it!  It is not simple to start up 'format' and 'zpool iostat'
and RoboCopy on another machine because you cannot trust the output of
the status command.  And getting visibility into something by starting
a bunch of commands in different windows and watching when which one
unfreezes is hilarious, not simple.

     r> the problems you've reported with resilvering.

I think we were watching this bug:


so that ought to be fixed in your test system but not in s10u6.  but
it might not be completely fixed yet:


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