On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Joseph Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Thanks Ian, Tim,
> Ok, let me really hit one topic instead of trying to see in general what
> data are out there...
> Let's say OpenSolaris doing Samba vs. Linux doing Samba, in CIFS
> performance.
> (so I can link to the Win2008 CIFS numbers and NetApp CIFS numbers myself.)
> Is there any data to this specific point?
> Thanks!
> z
So, you wouldn't use Samba on opensolaris, you'd use the native cifs stack.
Then we have to look at the system itself.  How much ram?  How many and what
kind of CPU's?  How much disk on the backend?  What kind of disk on the back

I don't think you're going to find the numbers you're looking for to be
quite honest.  And even if you did, I don't know how usable they'd really
be.  I'd start by digging through the spc benchmarks.

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