I am directly on the console.  cde-login is disabled, so i'm dealing with 
direct entry.
> Are you directly on the console, or is the console on
> a serial port?  If 
> you are
> running over X windows, the input might still get in,
> but X may not be 
> displaying.
> If keyboard input is not getting in, your machine is
> probably wedged at 
> a high
> level interrupt, which sounds doubtful based on your
> problem description.
Out of curiosity, why do you say that?  I'm no expert on interrupts, so I'm 
curious.  It DOES seem that keyboard entry is ignored in this situation, since 
I see no results from ctrl-c, for example (I had left the console running 'tail 
-f /var/adm/messages'.  I'm not saying your are wrong, but if I should be 
examining interrupt issues, I'd like to know (I have 3 hard disk controllers in 
the box, for example...)
> If the deadman timer does not trigger, the clock is
> almost certainly 
> running, and your machine is
> almost certainly accepting keyboard input.
That's good to know.  I just enabled deadman after the last freeze, so it will 
be a bit before I can test this (hope I don't have to).


> Good luck,
> max
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