I'm having a very similar issue.  Just updated to 10 u6 and upgrade my zpools.  
They are fine (all 3-way mirors), but I've lost the machine around 12:30am two 
nights in a row.

I'm booting ZFS root pools, if that makes any difference.

I also don't see anything in dmesg, nothing on the console either.

I'm going to go back to the logs today to see what was going on around midnight 
on these occasions.  I know there are some built-in cronjobs that run around 
that time - perhaps one of them in the culprit.

What I'd really like is a way to force a core dump when the machine hangs like 
this.  scat is a very nifty tool for debugging such things - but I'm not 
getting a core or panic or anything :(
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