Hi Seymour,

I didn't get a chance to reproduce this until today and I noticed
that originally you used zfs destroy to remove the unwanted BE (b99).

I tested these steps by using beadm destroy with the auto snapshots
running and didn't see the problems listed below. I think your
eventual beadm destroy failed because the original zfs destroy
failed and/or stuff was left mounted.

With auto snapshots running, do the following:

1. Create a new BE
# beadm create opensolaris2

2. Activate the new BE
# beadm activate opensolaris2

3. Reboot to the new BE

4. Identify the BEs
# beadm list
BE           Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
--           ------ ---------- ----- ------ -------
opensolaris  -      -          6.40M static 2008-11-13 14:38
opensolaris2 NR     /          2.58G static 2008-12-16 14:51

4. Use beadm destroy
# beadm destroy opensolaris

My test is simpler than your scenario, but it looks to me like beadm
destroy deals correctly with any dependency issues.

The auto snapshots seems to be oblivious to change in BE because
they are started at the rpool level.


Seymour Krebs wrote:
> Please if anyone can help with this mess, I'd appreciate it.
> ~# beadm list
> BE      Active Mountpoint Space        Policy Created          
> --      ------ ---------- -----        ------ -------          
> b100    -      -          6.88G        static 2008-10-30 13:59 
> b101a   -      -          960.95M      static 2008-11-09 08:46 
> b101b   -      -          6.15G        static 2008-11-14 09:17 
> b103    -      -          13.44M       static 2008-11-25 12:09 
> b103pre NR     /          10.86G       static 2008-12-07 11:25 
> b99     -      -          16777216.01T static 2008-10-01 14:35 
> ~# zfs list
> rpool                 81.4G   145G    62K  /rpool
> rpool/ROOT            33.3G   145G    18K  /rpool/ROOT
> rpool/ROOT/b100       6.54G   145G  14.4G  /
> rpool/ROOT/b100/opt       0   145G  3.60M  /opt
> rpool/ROOT/b101a       622M   145G  14.3G  /
> rpool/ROOT/b101a/opt   151M   145G  2.76G  /opt
> rpool/ROOT/b101b      3.22G   145G  14.9G  /
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/opt  2.92G   145G  2.06G  /opt
> rpool/ROOT/b103       13.3M   145G  21.4G  /
> rpool/ROOT/b103pre    10.5G   145G  21.6G  /
> rpool/ROOT/b99        12.4G   145G  10.2G  /
> rpool/ROOT/b99/opt        0   145G  3.60M  /opt
> rpool/export          48.1G   145G  3.22G  /export
> rpool/export/home     44.8G   145G  38.6G  /export/home
> ~# zfs destroy rpool/ROOT/b99
> cannot destroy 'rpool/ROOT/b99': filesystem has children
> use '-r' to destroy the following datasets:
> rpool/ROOT/b...@opensolaris-2
> rpool/ROOT/b99/o...@snap
> rpool/ROOT/b99/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-10-31-11:02
> rpool/ROOT/b99/o...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-10-31-11:02
> rpool/ROOT/b99/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-01-12:34
> (...abridged...)rpool/ROOT/b99/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b99/opt
> rpool/ROOT/b...@b100
> rpool/ROOT/b...@snap
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-10-31-11:02
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-10-31-11:02
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-07-12:02
> ~# zfs destroy -r rpool/ROOT/b99
> cannot destroy 'rpool/ROOT/b99': filesystem has dependent clones
> use '-R' to destroy the following datasets:
> rpool/ROOT/b100/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-09-11:13
> rpool/ROOT/b100/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-11-11:10
> rpool/ROOT/b100/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-12-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b100/o...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-11-15-00:00
> r(...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b100/o...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b100/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b100/opt
> rpool/ROOT/b...@snap
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-10-31-11:02
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-01-12:34
> (...abridged...)rpool/ROOT/b101a/o...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b101a/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b101a/opt
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-11-15-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-18-09:32
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-19-00:00
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b101a
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@b101b
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-11-15-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-18-09:32
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-19-00:00
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-11-25-07:00
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-11-25-08:00
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-11-25-09:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@opensolaris-2
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@b100
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@snap
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-10-31-11:02
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-01-12:34
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-08-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-11-08-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@b101a
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-09-11:13
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-11-11:10
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-12-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@b101b
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-11-15-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-18-09:32
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-11-25-09:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@b103
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-12:02
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:frequent-2008-12-07-14:15
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/o...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-15:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b/opt
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-12:02
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:frequent-2008-12-07-14:15
> rpool/ROOT/b1...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-15:00
> rpool/ROOT/b101b
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@b103
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-07-12:02
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:hourly-2008-12-07-17:00
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-08-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-08-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b103
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@b103pre
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-07-12:02
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-08-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b103...@zfs-auto-snap:weekly-2008-12-08-00:00
> rpool/ROOT/b103pre
> rpool/ROOT/b...@b101a
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-09-11:13
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-11-11:10
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-11-12-00:00
> (...abridged...)
> rpool/ROOT/b...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-2008-12-07-12:02
> rpool/ROOT/b100
> So, it appears that any and all BE's are children of BE b99.
> Attempting to destroy b99 leaves it mounted on a tmp mountpoint.:
> s...@bastion:~# beadm destroy b99
> Are you sure you want to destroy b99? This action cannot be undone(y/[n]): y
> Unable to destroy b99.
> Mount failed.
> ~# beadm list -a
> (...abridged...)
>  rpool/ROOT/b99                                               -      
> /tmp/.be.fFayjf 12.44G       static 2008-10-01 14:35 
> Can be mount and unmounted but not destroyed using beadm .  When mounting 
> beadm gives message:
> Unable to mount b99.
> Mount failed.
> But, it actually is mounted on the specified mountpoint.
> At the same time, grub no longer will put up the menu.lst and now has some 
> very funky video (vertical lines) at the first Opensolaris version text. 
> install_grub or it 's variant update_grub have not worked.
> I don't have the time to reinstall and am worried about losing any data by 
> mistake.  I have some customer data on this machine at the moment, need to 
> not disrupt the software installs for a few days and am not experienced at 
> trying to zfs send to a file or another disk (none formatted for solaris atm)
> Thanks,
>  sgk.
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