On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Kees Nuyt <k.n...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 21:41:32 -0500, David Magda
> <dma...@ee.ryerson.ca> wrote:
>>On Jan 6, 2009, at 14:21, Rob wrote:
>>> Obviously ZFS is ideal for large databases served out via
>>> application level or web servers. But what other practical ways are
>>> there to integrate the use of ZFS into existing setups to experience
>>> it's benefits.
>>Remember that ZFS is made up of the ZPL and the DMU (amongst other
>>things). The ZPL is the POSIX compatibility layer that most of us use.
>>The DMU is the actual transactional object model that stores the
>>actual data objects (e.g. files).
>>It would technically be possible for (say) MySQL to create a database
>>engine on top of that transactional store.
> I wouldn't be surprised to see that happen,
> given that:
> - InnoDB used to be the only transactional
>  storage engine in MySQL
> - Innobase, the creator of InnoDB, has been
>  acquired by Oracle
> - MySQL desparately needs a replacement
>  for the InnoDB storage engine
> - MySQL has been acquired by SUN
> - ZFS (ZPL,DMU) is by SUN.
> - performance of the MySQL/InnoDB/ZFS stack is sub-optimal.
> No, I don't have any inside information.

Well if you look at some of the diagrams from
http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/zfs/docs/zfs_last.pdf  it's
obvious that it's been thought of already.

I actually thought a neat project would be to create a transactional
API that was more or less a thin layer on top of ZFS, and then create
a database using the hotspot jvm (so probably in java, but not
necessairly so) to handle the query parsing, optimization, etc.  The
thought was the query could be compiled to java bytecode (and possibly
to native machine language all without having to write a native
machine language compiler).  Of course it looks like derby does the
'compile to bytecode' stuff already.  But the backend userland
transactional api using ZFS might still be an interesting project if
anyone was interested.
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