Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Ross wrote:
>> Something like that will have people praising ZFS' ability to
>> safeguard their data, and the way it recovers even after system
>> crashes or when hardware has gone wrong.  You could even have a
>> "common causes of this are..." message, or a link to an online help
>> article if you wanted people to be really impressed.
> I see a career in politics for you.  Barring an operating system
> implementation bug, the type of problem you are talking about is due to
> improperly working hardware.  Irreversibly reverting to a previous
> checkpoint may or may not obtain the correct data.  Perhaps it will
> produce a bunch of checksum errors.

Actually that's a lot like FMA replies when it sees a problem,
telling the person what happened and pointing them to a web page
which can be updated with the newest information on the problem.

That's a good spot for "This pool was not unmounted cleanly due
to a hardware fault and data has been lost.  The "<name of timestamp>"
line contains the date which can be recovered to.  Use the command
  # zfs reframbulocate <this> <that> -t <timestamp>
to revert to <timestamp>

David Collier-Brown            | Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems, Toronto      | some people and astonish the rest                 |                      -- Mark Twain
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