On Tue, February 17, 2009 01:50, Marion Hakanson wrote:

> Note that the only available pool failure mode in the presence of a SAN
> I/O error for these OS's has been to panic/reboot, but so far when the
> systems have come back, data has been fine.  We also do tape backups
> of these pools, of course.

Starting with Solaris 10u6 (?), the following property is available in

     failmode=wait | continue | panic

         Controls the system behavior  in  the  event  of  catas-
         trophic  pool  failure.  This  condition  is typically a
         result of a  loss  of  connectivity  to  the  underlying
         storage device(s) or a failure of all devices within the
         pool. The behavior of such an  event  is  determined  as

         wait        Blocks all I/O access until the device  con-
                     nectivity  is  recovered  and the errors are
                     cleared. This is the default behavior.

         continue    Returns EIO to any new  write  I/O  requests
                     but  allows  reads  to  any of the remaining
                     healthy devices.  Any  write  requests  that
                     have  yet  to  be committed to disk would be

         panic       Prints out a message to the console and gen-
                     erates a system crash dump.

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