I've got a server that freezes when I run a zpool scrub from cron.
Zpool scrub runs fine from the command line, no errors.
The freeze happens within 30 seconds of the zpool scrub happening.
The one core dump I succeeded in taking showed an arccache eating up
all the ram.
The server's running Solaris 10 u3, kernel patch 127727-11 but it's
been patched and seems to have some u4 features  (particularly, the
arc variables)

The only bug report I could find shows a similar bug patched in
120011-14, a patch which I installed many months ago.

Sun support threw up their hands and said to install Solaris 10 u6,
which I'm not really happy about doing as a bug fix to a production
server running a supported version of Sun OS. Once Upon a Time, Sun
used to offer *patches* to paying customers for operating system bugs.
I quote the latest ticket note in disgust: "I really don't know what
to tell you. S10u6 has many enhancements and improvments to zfs, but
most can be gained though patchs with the exception of new features."

I'm trying to escalate the ticket, but really, I'm angry. I've been a
big champion of staying with Sun/Solaris over Linux and one of the
reasons has been that traditionally Sun had really good tech support,
and you could *get* patches if you needed them. If the answer is going
to be "we don't know what the bug is but maybe a later release will
fix it - or not " that's not very reassuring.

Any thoughts - besides upgrading? Which we'll do, but it's a
production server so I don't want to rush it.

Unix Systems Administrator
Harvard Graduate School of Design
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