I'm sure that's true.  My point was that, given the choice between a
zfs send/recv from one set of devices to another, where the target is
another pool, and sending a zfs stream to a tarball, I'd sooner choose
a solution that's all live filesystems.

If backups are *really* important, then it's certainly better to use a
product with commercial support.  I think Amanda is zfs-aware now?

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Miles Nordin <car...@ivy.net> wrote:
>>>>>> "b" == Blake  <blake.ir...@gmail.com> writes:
>     c> There are other problems besides the versioning.
>     b> Agreed - I don't think that archiving simply the send stream
>     b> is a smart idea (yet, until the stream format is stabilized
> *there* *are* *other* *problems* *besides* *the* *versioning*!
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