Quick Background:
The pNFS project (http://opensolaris.org/os/project/nfsv41/) <http://opensolaris.org/os/project/nfsv41/%29> is adding a new DMU object set type which is used on the pNFS data server to store pNFS stripe DMU objects. A pNFS dataset gets created with the "zfs create" command and gets displayed using "zfs list".

Specific Question:
Should the pNFS datasets show up in the default "zfs list" output? Just as with ZFS file systems and ZVOLs, the number of pNFS datasets that exist on a data server will vary depending on the configuration.


In Solaris 10, ZFS datasets of all types show up in the default output of "zfs list". In Nevada, "zfs list" only shows by default datasets that are filesystems or volumes. Snapshots of filesystems or snapshots of volumes are not listed unless the pool level property called "listsnapshots", which is "off" by default, is set to "on".

So the answer to the specific question above is, in Nevada, pNFS datasets should show up in the default output from "zfs list" but that snapshots of pNFS datasets should not unless "listsnapshots" is on.

However, with the addition of this new dataset type, it will be difficult to distinguish a ZFS volume from a pNFS dataset. So perhaps the default output of "zfs list" should also include the dataset type. Maybe something like this:

pool/fs                   FS  9.77G  37.0G  9.77G  /pool/fs
pool/vol                ZVOL   512M  37.0G    16K  -
pool/pnfs               pNFS    31K  37.0G    15K  -

-- Rich

The following is output from the modified command and reflects the current mode of operation (i.e. "zfs list" lists filesystems, volumes and pnfs datasets by default):

(pnfs-17-21:/home/lisagab):6 % zfs list
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                          30.0G  37.0G  32.5K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT                     18.2G  37.0G    18K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_105             18.2G  37.0G  6.86G  /
rpool/ROOT/snv_105/var         11.4G  37.0G  11.4G  /var
rpool/dump                     9.77G  37.0G  9.77G  -
rpool/export                     40K  37.0G    21K  /export
rpool/export/home                19K  37.0G    19K  /export/home
rpool/pnfsds 31K 37.0G 15K - <---pNFS dataset rpool/pnfsds/47C80414080A4A42 16K 37.0G 16K - <---pNFS dataset
rpool/swap                     1.97G  38.9G  4.40M  -

(pnfs-17-21:/home/lisagab):7 % zfs list -t pnfsdata
NAME                            USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool/pnfsds                     31K  37.0G    15K  -
rpool/pnfsds/47C80414080A4A42    16K  37.0G    16K  -

(pnfs-17-21:/home/lisagab):8 % zfs get all rpool/pnfsds
NAME          PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
rpool/pnfsds  type                  pnfs-dataset           -
rpool/pnfsds  creation              Mon Feb  2 13:56 2009  -
rpool/pnfsds  used                  31K                    -
rpool/pnfsds  available             37.0G                  -
rpool/pnfsds  referenced            15K                    -
rpool/pnfsds  compressratio         1.00x                  -
rpool/pnfsds  quota                 none                   default
rpool/pnfsds  reservation           none                   default
rpool/pnfsds  recordsize            128K                   default
rpool/pnfsds  checksum              on                     default
rpool/pnfsds  compression           off                    default
rpool/pnfsds  zoned                 off                    default
rpool/pnfsds  copies                1                      default
rpool/pnfsds  refquota              none                   default
rpool/pnfsds  refreservation        none                   default
rpool/pnfsds  sharepnfs             off                    default
rpool/pnfsds  mds                   none                   default



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