On Mar 4, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Nicolas Williams wrote:

On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 02:13:51PM -0700, Lisa Week wrote:
(pnfs-17-21:/home/lisagab):6 % zfs list -o
NAME                           TYPE           USED  AVAIL  REFER
rpool filesystem 30.0G 37.0G 32.5K / rpool rpool/ROOT filesystem 18.2G 37.0G 18K legacy
rpool/ROOT/snv_105             filesystem    18.2G  37.0G  6.86G  /
rpool/ROOT/snv_105/var filesystem 11.4G 37.0G 11.4G / var
rpool/dump                     volume        9.77G  37.0G  9.77G  -
rpool/export                   filesystem      40K  37.0G    21K  /
rpool/export/home              filesystem      19K  37.0G    19K  /
rpool/pnfsds                   pnfs-dataset    31K  37.0G    15K  -
rpool/pnfsds/47C80414080A4A42  pnfs-dataset    16K  37.0G    16K  -
rpool/swap                     volume        1.97G  38.9G  4.40M  -

Note that "filesystem" is really a dataset, so "pnfs-dataset" seems odd.
Could it be made "pnfs-data"?

Yes, I agree.  "pnfs-dataset" is awkward.

Having the above be the default "zfs list" output is a simple change
to make, but I can't commit do doing it unless, of course, there is
buy in from the ZFS team.  Does anyone have insight into any known
problems it may cause to add the "type" property to the default output
or why it was left out in the first place?

It should cause no problems -- scripts should be using -o and -H -- but
I suppose it might.  But I don't see why it's necessary.  It's already
hard to tell if a dataset is a filesystem or a zvol from the default
output when you consider filesystems that are not mounted anywhere, thus
pNFS wouldn't be creating an ambiguity -- the ambiguity exists now and
it's not really a big deal.

My (humble) opinion is: Even though it is hard to tell if a dataset is a filesystem or a zvol now, it doesn't mean we can't make it better...


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