Bear in mind I am not that comfortable with smf and manifests and
Solaris userland and such... I wouldn't want to be messing up anything
or not setting it up correctly.

My little PHP script (yes, I use PHP for shell scripting) does a
perfect job of what I need and I got a neat idea from Brad Stone about
rolling up daily snapshots into monthly snapshots, which would roll up
into yearly snapshots...

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Richard Elling <> wrote:
> mike wrote:
>> Well, I could just use the same script to create my daily snapshot to
>> remove a snapshot with the same prefix, just different date (say, keep
>> 30 days only or something)
> NB the autosnapshot feature (aka Time Slider Manager) already
> has this capability.
>> My hope was to just keep a running archive indefinitely. But I guess
>> snapshots are only as good as needed, and I doubt I will realize I
>> need a file I lost 6+ months ago...
> famous last words... :-)
> -- richard
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