Since I moved to ZFS, sorry, I tend to have more problems after power failures. We have around 1 outage per week, in average, and the machine(s) don't boot up as one might expect (from ZFS). Just today: reboot, and rebooting in circles; with no chance on my side to see the 30-40 lines of hex-stuff before the boot process recycles. That's already bad.
So, let's try failsafe (all on nv_110). No better:

"Configuring /dev
relocation error: R_AMD64_PC32: file /kernel/dev/amd64/zfs: symbol down_object_opo_relocate failed [not fully correctly noted on my side]
zfs error doing relocations
Searching for installed OS instances ...
/sbin/install-recovery[7]: 72 segmentation Fault
no installed OS instance found.
Starting shell."

init 6 brought back the failsafe, and there a boot archive was noted as damaged, and could be repaired, and the machine restarted after another init 6.

At earlier boot failures after a power outage, the behaviour was different, but the boot archive was recognized as inconsistent a handful of times. This bugs me. Otherwise, the machines run through without trouble, and with ZFS, the chances for a damaged boot archive should be zero. Here it approaches a two-digit percentage. No flame, but when the machine(s) run that OS that usually uses ext3, the damage is less often, and the repair more straightforward.

I'd really be curious to know, where the problem could lie here, under the assumption that it was not the file system that corrupts the boot archive.


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