On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:54 AM,  <casper....@sun.com> wrote:
>>On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Ellis, Mike <mike.el...@fmr.com> wrote:
>>> PS: At one point the old JumpStart code was encumbered, and the
>>> community wasn't able to assist. I haven't looked at the next-gen
>>> jumpstart framework that was delivered as part of the OpenSolaris SPARC
>>> preview. Can anyone provide any background/doc-link on that new
>>> JumpStart framework?
>>I think you are looking for the Caiman project.  The replacement for
>>jumpstart is the Automated Installer (AI).
>>This is mostly code developed in the open.  I'm not aware of any
>>closed pieces that are specific to the new installer.
> I don't remember a lot of "closed" parts in the old jumpstart.
> (lu is different)

Perhaps not closed for the same reasons, but I've not seen the open
sourcing of anything related to installation other than pkgadd/pkgrm
and associated libraries.  Perhaps it would be possible to open source
jumpstart but I suspect the motivation of anyone to spend the time to
do so right now is almost none due to the focus on Caiman.

This is probably better discussed at install-discuss, so I have
redirected it there.

Mike Gerdts
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