Miles Nordin wrote:
"djm" == Darren J Moffat <> writes:

   djm> I do; because I've done it to my own personal data pool.
   djm> However it is not a procedure I'm willing to tell anyone how
djm> to do - so please don't ask -
k, fine, fair enough and noted.

   djm> a) it was highly dangerous and involved using multiple
   djm> different zfs kernel modules was well as

however...utter hogwash!  Nothing is ``highly dangerous'' when your
pool is completely unreadable.

That's your opinion. However I'm the one that did this on *my* data and I knew what I was doing because I develop in the ZFS code base. I calculated the risk I was taken on *my* pool based on the hacks I did for this. I considered what I was doing was "highly dangerous" because I could if I made a mistake make the situation even worse for myself than it already was, one that would be even harder to recover from. I had some files I didn't have a backup of yet in that pool that I really didn't want to lose because if I did I'd be in trouble with my spouse. So for me this was highly dangerous on my data. I would expect others to make a similar risk judgement based based on the value of the data in the pool.

If the only copy of the data is in the pool what I did (and remember you have no idea how I did this because I'm not going to explain it because I know I can't accurately reproduce it in email) it is risky.

Darren J Moffat
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