Paul B. Henson wrote:
On Wed, 20 May 2009, Darren J Moffat wrote:

How Sun Services reports the status of escalations to customers under
contract is not a discussion for a public alias like this so I won't
comment on this.

Heh, but maybe it should be a discussion for some internal forum; more
information = less anxious customers :)...

If the engineers that are working on this wish to comment I'm sure they
will, but I know it really isn't that simple.

I hope they do, as an information vacuum tends to result in false

As does attempting to gain the same information via several routes.

Since you apparently have a Sun Service support contract I highly recommend that you purse that route alone for further information on this bug status for your production needs.

Note that I don't represent the engineers working on this issue and the statements are urely my personal view on things based on my experience of recovering from the situation. I was only able to do that recovery due to my experience in the ZFS code base due to the ZFS crypto project.

Darren J Moffat
zfs-discuss mailing list

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