on Fri May 22 2009, Richard Elling <richard.elling-AT-gmail.com> wrote:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/zfs-fuse/msg/5fac5eaf2c7fccb8 shows some
>> (admittedly very crude) tests I did with OpenSolaris 0906, with some
>> very surprising performance results.  In particular, read speed on an
>> 8-disk pool seemed to drop by 50% when I set up the pool to use RAIDZ2.
>> Can anyone shed light on why that might be the case?
> You are likely disk I/O bound. 

Even if I were, that shouldn't account for such a dramatic difference
AFAICT.  Shouldn't this hold:

  raidz2 / flatzfs =  (raidpoolsize - raidparitybits) / (flatpoolsize)


In my case raidpoolsize=flatpoolsize=8 and paritybits=2, so the ratio
should be 0.75, not 0.5.

Or am I missing something?

> Look at the disk traffic to locate your bottleneck.

How does one look at the disk traffic?

> FWIW, if you enable compression, your benchmark will be
> much faster :-)

Of course, but writing a string of zeroes to a compressed filesystem
only tests the compression speed, which is of little or no interest to

Incidentally, I have some speed tests of a compressed zfs here:
but as the message implies, it's hard to know whether those results mean

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing
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