> How does one look at the disk traffic?

iostat -xce 1

> OpenSolaris, raidz2 across 8 7200 RPM SATA disks:
> 17179869184 bytes (17 GB) copied, 127.308 s, 135 MB/s

> OpenSolaris, "flat" pool across the same 8 disks:
> 17179869184 bytes (17 GB) copied, 61.328 s, 280 MB/s

one raidz2 set of 8 disks can't be faster than the slowest
disk in the set as its one vdev... I would have expected
the 8 vdev set to be 8x faster than the single raidz[12]
set, but like Richard said, there is another bottle
neck in there that iostat will show.

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