On 17-Jun-09, at 5:42 PM, Miles Nordin wrote:

"bmm" == Bogdan M Maryniuk <bogdan.maryn...@gmail.com> writes:
"tt" == Toby Thain <t...@telegraphics.com.au> writes:
"ok" == Orvar Korvar <no-re...@opensolaris.org> writes:

    tt> Slashdot was never the place to go for accurate information
    tt> about ZFS.

again, the posts in the slashdot thread complaining about corruption
were just pointers to original posts on this list, so attacking the
forum where you saw the pointer instead of the content of its
destination really is clearly _ad hominem_.

Ad foruminem? !! Or did you simply mean, "uncalled-for"?

/. is no person... And most of the thread really was rubbish. If one or two posts linked to the mailing list, that doesn't change it.


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