On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Erik Trimble<erik.trim...@sun.com> wrote:
> I can't say as to the entire Atom line of stuff, but I've found the Atoms
> are OK for desktop use, and not anywhere powerful enough for even a basic
> NAS server.  The demands of wire-speed Gigabit, ZFS, and
> encryption/compression are hard on the little Atom guys.

+1. I wanted to skip it, but will reply.

I have two Asus EeePC Box 202 / 2GB. These are running numerous zones
(snv_111b) for me with various services on them and still are very
usable and fast enough. Additionally, I overclocked each up to
1.75GHz, did some corrections to Solaris's TCP/IP stack, removed some
unnecessary services and they are just fine.

> Plus, it seems to be hard to find an Atom motherboard which supports
> more than 2GB of RAM, which is a serious problem.

Well, let's don't forget that Atom is also smallest low-power
processor and is designed for cheap and small nettops/netbooks that
are don't need 4GB RAM ever. Despite of that:

Kind regards, BM

Things, that are stupid at the beginning, rarely ends up wisely.
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