On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Ross wrote:

But the unintended side effect of this is that ZFS's attempt to optimize writes will causes jerky read and write behaviour any time you have a large amount of writes going on, and when you should be pushing the disks to 100% usage you're never going to reach that as it's always going to have 5s of inactivity, followed by 5s of running the disks flat out.

In fact, I wonder if it's a simple as the disks ending up doing 5s of reads, a delay for processing, 5s of writes, 5s of reads, etc...

It's probably efficient, but it's going to *feel* horrible, a 5s delay is easily noticeable by the end user, and is a deal breaker for many applications.

Yes, 5 seconds is a long time. For an application which mixes computation with I/O it is not really acceptable for read I/O to go away for up to 5 seconds. This represents time that the CPU is not being used, and a time that the application may be unresponsive to the user. When compression is used the impact is different, but the compression itself consumes considerable CPU (and quite abruptly) so that other applications (e.g. X11) stop responding during the compress/write cycle.

The read problem is one of congestion. If I/O is congested with massive writes, then reads don't work. It does not really matter how fast your storage system is. If the 5 seconds of buffered writes are larger than what the device driver and storage system buffering allows for, then the I/O channel will be congested.

As an example, my storage array is demonstrated to be able to write 359MB/second but ZFS will blast data from memory as fast as it can, and the storage path can not effectively absorb 1.8GB (359*5) of data since the StorageTek 2500's internal buffers are much smaller than that, and fiber channel device drivers are not allowed to consume much memory either. To make matters worse, I am using ZFS mirrors so the amount of data written to the array in those five seconds is doubled to 3.6GB.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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