On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 7:06 AM, James C.
McPherson<james.c.mcpher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anil wrote:
>> When it comes out, how will it work?
>> Does it work at the pool level or a zfs file system level? If I
>> create a zpool called 'zones' and then I create several zones
>> underneath that, could I expect to see a lot of disk space savings if
>> I enable dedup on the pool?
>> Just curious as to what's coming and what I should look out for.
>> If it works at the pool level, that'll be very useful and save quite
>> a disk space on a system with a lot of zones - which share a lot of
>> common files.
> Good question - we don't know just yet. I expect we'll
> have a much better idea after Jeff and Bill deliver their
> keynote speech at Kernel Conference Australia, which kicks
> off on Wednesday.

There is an ongoing speculations of what/when/how deduplication will
be in ZFS and I am curious: what is the reason to keep the thing
secret ? I always thought open source assumes open development
process. What exactly people behind deduplication effort trying to
prove by keeping their mouth shut ?

Something feels wrong...

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